Psychotherapy in English
Living in a country with a completely different language than your mother tongue and with a completely different culture than the one you know may not be something easy. One may feel lost or may face different issues. Zielone Przedmieście loves to give a chance to meet and speak to somebody about everything you face and about all your difficulties or problems.
Individual therapy in Zielona Przedmieście takes place in the cognitive-behavioral trend.
Cognitive behavioral therapy:
– is goal-oriented
– is focused on the problem
– is limited in time
– teaches you how to recognize and react to the relationship between your emotions, thoughts and behavior
– the patient is an active participant and co-author of the treatment
– the patient learns how to be „his own therapist”
– its effectiveness is confirmed by numerous scientific studies
During individual therapy, we can work on:
– difficulties in coping with experienced emotions
– mood changes
– outbursts of anger
– experienced anxiety
– difficulties in an ongoing relationship
– memories and experiences from the past that disturb you and hinder normal functioning
– problems related to family life, where various difficulties, problems and dysfunctions have occurred or are still present
– addiction to psychoactive substances or behavior
– experienced difficulties resulting from being in a relationship with somebody who is addicted or overuses abusing psychoactive substances
– features of the syndrome of an adult alcoholic child or an adult child from a dysfunctional family
– too low self-esteem
– somatic symptoms which may be based on experienced emotions